Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Gym Rant

Gym rant, not to be confused with gym rat.

We all have our own reasons for working out/lifting weights. And all of us have different needs.
That being said, I realize that when I'm traveling and have to go to a commercial gym, I am the odd-man-out in that I NEVER see anyone else doing Olympic lifts or modified Oly lifts.
However, being a Highland Games Athlete (thrower), Oly or modified Oly lifts are
I N D I S P E N S A B L E !

I was in a gym last week called Well-Worx in Memphis. In there they had only "IRON-GRIP" rubber coated, 12 sided Olympic weights. Now 12 sides to prevent rolling.....not a bad thing. UNLESS one is doing floor based multi rep exercises like Olympic lifts or dead-lifts.
Those stupid 12 sided plates will NEVER set down evenly. Making the bar at some goofy angle after every rep requiring a reset of the lifter's body, or the weight.

Gym owners, please take note. If you're going to buy these pieces of crap, at least have a good number of normal ROUND weights in house too!


Friday, July 18, 2008


Hi and welome to K2 Fitness Solutions Inc blog site!

We have added this blog as part of our update and expansion of our website. We were planning a message board but, those can get unruly and WAY off topic. So instead, we decided to create a blog. We look forward to your participation not only by your reading but, foremost in your active participation through your comments and questions.

On the K2 Fitness Solutions blog you will find:

News and updates about our products and services.
Current happenings with our staff, such as competitions/events,.
Casual observations from our staff ranging from anything to do with health/fitness/sports to off topic political and social rants. (as long as it's entertaining :)
Links to relevant articles which may or may not have been written by one of us.
Last but, not least, posts from you asking us questions about our products and services or your comments. To ask a question or leave a comment simply click on the comment link at the bottom of a post.

Bear with us as we learn the ins and outs of getting this thing up and running and making the functionality suit your and our needs.
